Mechanical Restoration

Blackline Classic Cars offer bespoke engine rebuilds. We carry out all work including cylinder head restoration, through to full engine rebuilds to the highest standard.
Please contact us to discuss your mechanical restoration requirements.
All engines go through the same process which involves a complete tolerance check, with all the components cleaned, serviced and thoroughly inspected. All the components will then be machined, refinished or replaced if required. The engine is then re-built, bench-tested, and road tuned by our experienced mechanical engineers.
All engines also receive the following work (if required).
· Head skim.
· Pressure test.
· Valve guides.
· Valves ground or replaced.
· New or reground camshafts.
· Crank ground and balanced.
· Balancing including, con-rods, Pistons, pulleys, flywheel.
· New or re-machined oil pump.
· New pistons and liners.
· Small end bearings replaced.
· All oil and water galleys are chemically and mechanically cleaned and flushed.
· Complete carburettor rebuilds and tune.
· Rebuilt or upgraded ignition systems.
· All ancillaries overhauled or upgraded (if required).

We pride ourselves in refinishing all the components with exceptional quality. All our engines are built to the client’s requirements whether that be to original factory standards or a high-performance specification. Our engines also come with a warranty of 12 months.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements on 01884 841110 or email [email protected]